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Building binary tree problem


Given the pre-order traversal preorder and in-order traversal inorder of a binary tree, construct the binary tree and return the root node of the binary tree. Assume that there are no duplicate values in the nodes of the binary tree (as shown in the figure below).

Example data for building a binary tree

Determining if it is a divide and conquer problem

The original problem of constructing a binary tree from preorder and inorder is a typical divide and conquer problem.

  • The problem can be decomposed: From the perspective of divide and conquer, we can divide the original problem into two subproblems: building the left subtree and building the right subtree, plus one operation: initializing the root node. For each subtree (subproblem), we can still use the above division method, dividing it into smaller subtrees (subproblems), until the smallest subproblem (empty subtree) is reached.
  • The subproblems are independent: The left and right subtrees are independent of each other, with no overlap. When building the left subtree, we only need to focus on the parts of the in-order and pre-order traversals that correspond to the left subtree. The same applies to the right subtree.
  • Solutions to subproblems can be combined: Once the solutions for the left and right subtrees (solutions to subproblems) are obtained, we can link them to the root node to obtain the solution to the original problem.

How to divide the subtrees

Based on the above analysis, this problem can be solved using divide and conquer, but how do we use the pre-order traversal preorder and in-order traversal inorder to divide the left and right subtrees?

By definition, preorder and inorder can be divided into three parts.

  • Pre-order traversal: [ Root | Left Subtree | Right Subtree ], for example, the tree in the figure corresponds to [ 3 | 9 | 2 1 7 ].
  • In-order traversal: [ Left Subtree | Root | Right Subtree ], for example, the tree in the figure corresponds to [ 9 | 3 | 1 2 7 ].

Using the data in the figure above, we can obtain the division results as shown in the figure below.

  1. The first element 3 in the pre-order traversal is the value of the root node.
  2. Find the index of the root node 3 in inorder, and use this index to divide inorder into [ 9 | 3 | 1 2 7 ].
  3. Based on the division results of inorder, it is easy to determine the number of nodes in the left and right subtrees as 1 and 3, respectively, thus dividing preorder into [ 3 | 9 | 2 1 7 ].

Dividing the subtrees in pre-order and in-order traversals

Describing subtree intervals based on variables

Based on the above division method, we have now obtained the index intervals of the root, left subtree, and right subtree in preorder and inorder. To describe these index intervals, we need the help of several pointer variables.

  • Let the index of the current tree's root node in preorder be denoted as \(i\).
  • Let the index of the current tree's root node in inorder be denoted as \(m\).
  • Let the index interval of the current tree in inorder be denoted as \([l, r]\).

As shown in the table below, the above variables can represent the index of the root node in preorder as well as the index intervals of the subtrees in inorder.

Table   Indexes of the root node and subtrees in pre-order and in-order traversals

Root node index in preorder Subtree index interval in inorder
Current tree \(i\) \([l, r]\)
Left subtree \(i + 1\) \([l, m-1]\)
Right subtree \(i + 1 + (m - l)\) \([m+1, r]\)

Please note, the meaning of \((m-l)\) in the right subtree root index is "the number of nodes in the left subtree", which is suggested to be understood in conjunction with the figure below.

Indexes of the root node and left and right subtrees

Code implementation

To improve the efficiency of querying \(m\), we use a hash table hmap to store the mapping of elements in inorder to their indexes:


The figure below shows the recursive process of building the binary tree, where each node is established during the "descending" process, and each edge (reference) is established during the "ascending" process.

Recursive process of building a binary tree









Each recursive function's division results of preorder and inorder are shown in the figure below.

Division results in each recursive function

Assuming the number of nodes in the tree is \(n\), initializing each node (executing a recursive function dfs()) takes \(O(1)\) time. Thus, the overall time complexity is \(O(n)\).

The hash table stores the mapping of inorder elements to their indexes, with a space complexity of \(O(n)\). In the worst case, when the binary tree degenerates into a linked list, the recursive depth reaches \(n\), using \(O(n)\) stack frame space. Therefore, the overall space complexity is \(O(n)\).